other people always let u down so why don't you forget about them and do something for ur self!?

Monday 23 May 2011


hey..today story..is bout STUDY!...aha..baru masuk 2minggu study untuk shortsem nih,dah ade 1 assignment di hantar..satu quiz..and akn dtg satu test..argh..poning pale..da la susah..mats 2 lak tu..aha..btw kne gk hadap if tak mcm ne nk pgg dip kn?ha..i;ll try my best..huhu..

Sunday 22 May 2011



hey2 .. today i want to story about the outdoor group whch is KNIVES and FLOA ".oke first article bout FLOA okay.. this group is a member of the outdoor by a former student at the polytechnic portdickson ..while they pursue their studies at their campus .. actively to involve the outdoors and they are members of the " KEMBARA CLUB " .. a lot of experience that they get and have in their live when they all get involve in outdoor.After graduation studying in the polytechnic,they are still interested and active in the outdoor and they set up a group / company outdoor whch is FLOA " . It was registered group and company.A lot of adventure activities like climbing a mountain,kayaking ..wall climbing,tracking and often brings students to attend universities outside activities, such as former state FLOA in trust to lead and provideguidance to the participants of the first half of the camp polibriged.Other then than,they not only active the group, they are working according to their job .. to be a member of this group FLOA, must be in accordance with the terms and registered.The most important thing is to be a former student ofthe polytechnic portdickson .. other than that,i do not know the conditions..u need to ask the owner or chairman is the brother norhazli or Abg Olie ok? hahaha .. so that's little about this group ..


okay ... now bout KNIVES ".This is a group that moves freely and is not bound by any side with..objective of  this group was founded because of our polytechnic students who are active in the outdoor often move in groups, because we always together, so we formed this group .. the idea is to set out from " NAIM " and  group name if i not mistaken gives by " WANY "...Naim is apleasant outdoor hardcore .. his mentality is strong, strong stamina,he also just like my brother in outdoor time bcoz he always care for me... haha .. thanx yaw!Knives has 14 members and probably more.We all just like a siblings cz we always going out  together and outdoor together .. aha .. so swete..hee,other than outdoor, Knives has also been involved with paintball but for paintball player,there are only 7 people, namely me, naim, hadi, wani.emy, and 2 more reserved.I have a friend@group who is happy with the same interests at work in one of them ..hee

Friday 20 May 2011

My Stupit Ex BestFriends..

hey2..for 2nd day story..still tade bnde yg menarik nk tulis..but rase nye ak nk cite psl sorang mmbe ak nih..name dye..??haha..just call him MF....oke2,1st..ak tau yg ak dah lame kwn ngan kau..dri skolah mngah ag..n ko byk tlong ak,pas spm ak dok ngan kau sume..cri kje same..oke thnx alot for that..but 1 thng that i hate from ur self..?ha..nk tau??KAU NI SUKE MENGONGKONG AK..n SUKE BERLAGAK..even kau bergurau ke ape..but sometimes u make me feels annyoing to u..ahaha..damm..kau ingat kau spe ouh kongkong ak..??hahah tp tu dulu..but yg latest kau berkate NK KERJA KT MANE TAH..tp tak gk kerje..gaye ckp mcm dah dpt krje??haha.,..bdo la..eboh nk beli kerete dari dulu..but untill now..??takde pon..yg ade kereta PINJAM TU LAH..maklumlah..kau ni suke membangge dgn harta org..?kn?tu yg wat kau nk be a BOAST uh?sdar2 la weyh..ckp ngan kau nih just like masuk tlinge kiri..kaur tinge kanan..haha..dgr je..caye jgn..sbb kau nih KUAT BERANGAN OUH...haha..oke2..ha ni lagi stu..pasal yg ko tulis kt wall kau uh..wah..kate nye ak nih adik2 berangan yg baru nk marase pkai vaio..?haha..HEY BODOH..mmg la ak baru nk merase..sbb ak baru beli..dan yg penting..I HAVE IT BY MY OWN MONEY..?!tp kau yg USELESS nih NK MEMBANGGA PKAI VAIO UH sedangkan vaio tu VAIO PINJAM..!HAHAHA...bdo..tu abg kau beli..n abg kau pnye..bkan kau la..KAU TU PANDAI NK BERLAGAK JE..!...hahaha..sedih ak tgok kau..krje dah bnyak tempat..tp tade bende pon yg kau beli sndri..bukan ak nk berlagak..hp pon hp lame..lappy pon lappy pinjam..ni kn nk beli kereta??haha...IN YOUR DREAMS je la kot..haha..senang cerite kau nih seorang yg jenis SUKE MEMBANGGA DGN HARTA BENDA ORANG..hahah..k lah..dosa ak mengumpat kau byk2..btw im feels sorry to u..hope kau berubah la..k..hahah..daaa...

Wednesday 18 May 2011

hallo2...ha aryni telah tercipta nya blog xiOu mey..haha..ak pon tatau nk tulis ape..saje nk menggatal ade blog sndri..tp tatau nk tulis ape..so ni jea la kot utk jam ni..later akn di update lg..huhu..see yaw!